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These easy and delicious breakfast delights will start everyone's day with a smile.
The start of a new year always sees us here at EasiYo reflecting on the past year. It’s a good time to dream about what we’d like to do in this year that improves our lives even more. We often have lofty goals for our new year’s resolutions, but sometimes it’s the simple and small changes that can make a world of difference. Whether it’s having healthy snacks to keep your energy up, doing your bit for the environment, or convincing the kids to try a variety of new foods, we wanted to share our top six suggestions to ensure 2020 is your year.
It’s easy during the year to get bogged down with everyday life. Try setting up a Pinterest board as an easy reminder of all the things you love. Add anything - dishes you’d love to experiment with, holiday destinations, craft ideas you’d like to try at home with your kids, and even inspirational quotes you stumble across.
This is such a hot topic right now, and most of us feel like we need to get better at doing our bit for the environment. Your own kitchen is a good place to start. Waxed cloth food wraps and bowl covers are a great way to reduce your use of plastic, and you can usually pick them up at your local homeware store, supermarket, online, or make your own. Making your own yogurt is a tasty way to reduce your environmental footprint, and you’ll have lovely fresh yogurt on hand all the time. Every little bit counts, and this is a super easy change to make that has a real impact.
Do you sometimes feel that your life balance is a bit off kilter? As challenging as it can seem, setting aside some “me” time is always important, especially if you have a busy family life. This could be as simple as taking an indulgent bubble bath once a week, to making sure you get to your favourite yoga class regularly. Creating that elusive family life balance might start with getting your kids in on the kitchen action by helping to make something they’ll feel proud of, such as these simple yogurt parfaits, and then sitting down to enjoy them together. Eating dinner with your family every night isn’t always possible but doing it whenever you can provides a world of benefits. As well as strengthening family ties, eating a healthy, nutritious meal together enables role-modelling, builds a sense of belonging and enhances self-esteem.
Eating a balanced diet can go out the window as school goes back and life gets busy. This year why not focus on making small changes such as eating healthy snacks that keep you full for longer between meals. Try switching out ingredients like cream and sour cream for yogurt to make meals that extra bit healthier. Kids always love getting involved in the kitchen, so try a few new snacks that your kids are sure to love such as dipping their favourite sliced fruits into fresh yogurt, or a layered cereal, fruit and yogurt ‘trifle’.
It’s always nice to have to have something to look forward to, and having your next holiday sorted ticks that box! Maybe you’ve always wanted to visit a tropical island and lounge around the pool doing absolutely nothing, or is this the year to do all those shorter trips close to home that you’ve just never gotten around to? It’s much easier to get up every morning knowing that a fantastic break is just around the corner.
People always say that laughter is the best medicine. Try to laugh at every opportunity and focus on the positive side of everything. Soak up the good stuff, because although life’s not always perfect, it is always what you make it.
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